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Only a few more days to apply for the
ECTRIMS Fellowship Programmes 2019


ECTRIMS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Exchange Programme

ECTRIMS Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Training Fellowship Programme

ECTRIMS Multiple Sclerosis Nurse Training Fellowship Programme

ECTRIMS-MAGNIMS Fellowship in Magnetic Resonance Imaging in MS



ECTRIMS Postdoctoral Research
Fellowship Exchange Programme

This fellowship is offered to young postdoctoral neuroscientists to facilitate their conduct of and training in basic, clinical or applied research related to MS in European laboratories or clinics.
ECTRIMS will support various fellowships annually, each with duration of 1 or 2 years, with an annual stipend of up to € 55’000. Applicants may come from any country and are expected to identify a European research training environment and mentor prior to application and to devote full-time to research and training during their fellowship period (up to 10% time and effort can be spent on teaching and/or clinical care).

Application Deadline: 1 December 2018

For detailed information, please click here


ECTRIMS Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Training
Fellowship Programme

This fellowship is offered to neurologists and other physicians to provide the opportunity to learn the latest techniques in MS patient management and care and to help foster their careers as MS physicians. It is available for 3, 6 or 12 months and must be performed under the direction of a senior clinical mentor at a European MS clinic and/or MS research centre. Fellows may come from any location but priority will be given to candidates from developing countries.
ECTRIMS will award various fellowships annually, with a stipend of
€ 13’750 for a 3 month programme, € 27’500 for a 6 month programme or
€ 55’000 for a 1 year training programme. The programme is intended to be a full-time MS clinical care training experience. This can include “hands on” clinical care under the guidance of the mentor, correlated course work in the training institutions, and may also include time involved in clinical research under the guidance of the mentor.

Application Deadline: 1 December 2018

For detailed information, please click here


*** NEW: Two types of nurse training experiences available with flexibility in training duration***

ECTRIMS Multiple Sclerosis Nurse Training
Fellowship Programme

The MS Nurse training fellowship programmes are offered to qualified/licensed nurses from all over the world to provide the opportunity for them to obtain additional expertise through practical MS nursing experience and training in a mentored MS environment in Europe. Our aim is to enhance care and support of individuals with MS by fostering improved clinical care and education and by helping to promote best practices in nursing care for MS.

ECTRIMS will support several fellowships each year with two types of training experiences: Comprehensive MS nurse trainings (for 6 months to one year in duration) and short-term (e.g. two weeks), flexible specialized MS nurse trainings (flexible in training duration). ECTRIMS will provide a stipend of € 55’000 per year for the training period. Training must be under the direction and mentorship of a senior MS nurse, in association with a senior MS clinician where appropriate, at a European clinical site with significant expertise in MS.

Application Deadline: 1 February 2019

For detailed information, please click here
To apply online, please click here


Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis

The European MAGNIMS network (Magnetic Resonance Imaging in MS) and ECTRIMS jointly support research fellowships for young researchers in the application of magnetic resonance studies to MS.
ECTRIMS will support two fellowships annually, each with duration of 1 year, with an annual stipend of up to € 55’000.

Application Deadline: 1 February 2019

For detailed information and online application,
please click

Details about all ECTRIMS fellowship programmes and application material can be obtained from the ECTRIMS website:

President: Bernhard Hemmer, DE
Vice President: Maria Pia Amato, IT
Secretary General: Mar Tintoré, ES
Treasurer: Tobias Derfuss, CH
Executive Committee Members:
Rogier Hintzen, NL; Krzysztof Selmaj, PL; Bruno Stankoff, FR

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In data de:

22 November 2018

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