Romania 3rd participant in ENS
Romania 3rd participant in ENSThe statistics of the total number of abstracts submitted (925) to the Scientific Committee of the Nineteenth Meeting of the European Neurological Society, which took place at the Fiera Milano Congress Centre on June, 20-24, 2009, in Milan, Italy, have been evaluated, and are given below. |
The bar-chart of Fig. 1. illustrates the number of abstracts submitted according to each topic dealt with at the 19th ENS meeting. Concerning the number of abstracts accepted, the pie-chart of Fig. 2. gives the distribution by which those abstracts selected by the Scientific Committee were presented at the congress in Milan; as poster or oral presentations. The bar-chart of Fig. 3. presents nine countries with the highest number of participants out of a total number of 86 countries worldwide. Fig. 1. Number of Abstracts Submitted per Topic – Total 925. The highest number of abstracts submitted per topic for presentation at the Milan Meeting are: Cerebrovascular disorders [164]; Multiple sclerosis: clinical aspects [103] and Dementia/Higher function disorders [71], followed by General neurology [54]. Fig. 2. Percent of Abstracts Accepted According to the Method of Presentation. Out of the total number of abstracts accepted (718) for presentation at the Nineteenth ENS Meeting in Milan, 81% (580) were selected as posters, while 19% (138) were chosen to be presented orally. However, out of the total number of abstracts submitted (925) for presentation, 22% (207) were rejected. Fig. 3. Number of Participants According to Country Statistics. This number of participants (2,931) to the 19th ENS Meeting in Milan, Italy, represents again the continued general interest in the Annual Meetings of the Society. ENS extends thanks to sponsors and exhibitors The European Neurological Society wishes to express its most cordial thanks to all sponsors and exhibitors for their participation at the 19th ENS meeting in Milan, Italy. |